edEUcation Ltd. is a UK-based education consultancy with expertise in working on international education programmes. The company is also experienced in developing online training tools and training programmes for professionals. The philosophy of the company is to demonstrate effective improvement through practical activity.

The ARETÉ trust comprises three secondary schools located in North Yorkshire, serving approximately 3500 students and with a total staffing complement of 350. All three schools are fully comprehensive and inclusive, our overarching aim being to “be the best we can be” by meeting the needs of and providing an excellent educational experience to all young people whatever their starting point.

EduACT is one of Greece’s leading youth-serving non-profit advancing STEM education. EduACT combines the rigour of STEM learning with the fun and excitement of traditional sports and the inspiration that comes from community through programs that have a proven impact on learning, interest, and skill-building inside and outside of the classroom. Research, playful learning and fun are put together to equip young individuals with useful skills for future citizens.

“Kitokie projektai” are experts in experiential training and person-centred, consulting, gestalt psychotherapy, founders of various educational and consulting projects. It is an ever-developing community of professionals focusing on training for social workers, teachers and students, personal effectiveness, mentoring, intercultural communication, mentoring, teamwork, negotiating, teamwork.

IE Pi del Burgar is a public primary and secondary school from age 3 to age 16, located in Reus (Catalonia, Spain). Since its start in 2006, the school has become a reference for our willingness to effectively respond to the mix of its students (different origins, different socio-economic background, different capabilities), in a framework of Catalan identity, secularism, pluralism and the defence of democratic values.

‘Augusto Righi’ is an Italian Liceo Scientifico located in the historic ‘Pinciana’ neighbourhood in the centre of Rome. The school is on the forefront of research and popularisation of new methodologies through seminars and cooperation with national and international partners.
This project is co-funded by the European Union in the context of its Erasmus+ initiative and is run by a team of 6 educational institutions coming from 4 EU countries and the United Kingdom.

Project Number: 2020-1-UK01-KA201-078830
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